Well October was a very eventful month. We had started in September with Dracula's Masquerade Ball dinner shows and that was a great success! Then we ran every weekend "Little Shop of Horrors". The first two weekends in White House and the last two weekends in Gallatin. That was another great show-but just cost too much to produce. I try to get people to understand what it cost to put on a play production, just the royalties on that show was over $1, 900, then the theater rentals were another $1,200-posters, programs, props all added on top of that. Well, that was the last stage production that I will be doing on my own.
But the worst part was on October 25, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in his stomach, liver, and lymph node. What a shock for us that has rocked us to the pit of our souls. Tom has done a lot of research and praying. What we have decided is to go the natural route, no chemo just raw veggies, juices, supplements and prayers. So please, if you are one of the three people who read this blog-say a prayer, or send out positive thoughts our direction. We have only had each other for three wonderful years.
Now, back to theatre. The next show we are working on is "A Christmas Carol...More or Less" oh this is one FUNNY show, and has a story within a story. If you have seen this show in the past you are very likely to have seen Francine Berk play this part-as she is going to do again! She is such an amazing actress as you already know. Francine is teaming up with Macon Kimbrough for the second year of holiday magic! Connie Smith is directing this years production-and she has a new direction that she is taking the show, a must see! This show will be done as a dinner. Starting on starting Dec 3 at The Amber Leaf in Gallatin, then Dec 9 & 10 at B.J.'s Family Restaurant in Pleasant View. We are at the moment up in the air about Dec 16 & 17 in Midway, Ky but we have all so been contacted about doing a show in Clarksville!
I hope you keep an eye out on the e mails I send out about the productions I offer, if your not on the mailing list, please join up! You will find a link on the home page of the web site or send me an e mail to melodramatheater@gmail.com
Chat Later!!
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